Florida Red Cedar Rocking Chair Story
In 1942 my father came home and announced that he had sold our house in Cocoa and had bought 30 acres of land in West Cocoa. We had to be out of the house in 7 days therefore he and one helper built our new home in a week and we moved in.
During the first year of living there many trees were planted but the main one was a small Florida Red Cedar.
In 1942 my father came home and announced that he had sold our house in Cocoa and had bought 30 acres of land in West Cocoa. We had to be out of the house in 7 days therefore he and one helper built our new home in a week and we moved in.
During the first year of living there many trees were planted but the main one was a small Florida Red Cedar.
After about 25 years he cut down the tree and used the lumber to build two rocking chairs. He used the left over pieces to make candle holders, small vases , bowls and other items.
The rocking chairs were a surprise gift for my sister and me. We both cherish them greatly to this day.
This family property fast became our own little farm. A milk cow was always part of it as well as chickens, turkeys and ducks. A huge family garden was always in the works.
This thirty acre homestead remained in the family until 1985.
The rocking chairs were a surprise gift for my sister and me. We both cherish them greatly to this day.
This family property fast became our own little farm. A milk cow was always part of it as well as chickens, turkeys and ducks. A huge family garden was always in the works.
This thirty acre homestead remained in the family until 1985.